AGH University Main Library

FAQ - Around citations

The Main Library systematically prepares bibliometric analyses for research workers basing on available e-sources (Web of Science, Scopus (among others citations, Hirsch index, Impact Factor for the titles of the journals, summarized Impact Factor), which are required, among others, in proceedings on awarding scientific degrees.

How and where to check if my publications are cited?
Citations can be checked in databases:

You can also search for citation information using:

What is the h-index and where can I find it?
H-index refers to the number of scientific publications which have been cited h or more times, e.g. h=10 means that among the authors' publications there are 10 publications, which have been cited at least 10 times each.

H-index can be found in:

What is the Impact Factor and where can I find it?
Impact Factor is the ratio of the number of citations of a given journal to the number of articles published in this journal in the same period of time.

Impact Factor values can be found in the database Journal Citation Reports (JCR) published by Clarivate Analytics.
Data for years 1997-2021 can be found online.

Impact Factor values change every year for every journal, and some titles can be removed from the list.

Not all journals from the Master Journal List are included in Journal Citation Reports, therefore not all have Impact Factor.

What is the summary Impact Factor and how can it be calculated?
In rozporządzenie MNiSW w sprawie w sprawie kryteriów oceny osiągnięć osoby ubiegającej się o nadanie stopnia doktora habilitowanego, one of the criteria is summary Impact Factor of the author's publications.

It is based on the author's articles published in journals included in JCR database, and calculated according to the formula below: 

Summary IF = Ax(n) * IFx(n) + Ay(n) * IFy(n) + Ay(m) * IFy(m) + …

n, m - the author's article publication year / year for which IF was calculated
Ax - the number of the author's articles published in x journal in a given year
Ay - the number of the author's articles published in y journal in a given year
IFx - IF of x journal for a given year
IFy - IF of y journal for a given year

which means that we multiply the IF of a given journal from a given year by the number of articles published by the author. In the case of articles from several journals, we add everything.

Is it possible to order a list of citations for an employee or a group of employees?
Yes, the Information Science Department can prepare a citation list of scientific publications using available databases (payment as per price list).

In order to analyze the citations for a particular author's publication, it is necessary to have a complete list of the author's publications, since each work, regardless of the time of its creation, can be cited in a given year; in case of co-authorship, the analysis is conducted according to the first author of each work.