AGH University Main Library

FAQ - Borrowing books

How do I borrow books? How to place an order for books?

Before coming to the Library you should check the availability of books in AGH University's online catalogue of library collections.

Books available for borrowing from the Stock should be ordered by logging in to your library account, and choosing the place to collect them - "Wypożyczalnia". These are items with call numbers beginning with Roman numerals, I, II, or III, e.g. II 223625. Books ordered this way will be waiting to be collected for 10 days.

Textbooks from the Open Stacks (marked with a call number beginning with "W '', e.g. W 76140/4) should be borrowed on the spot, using self-checkout devices, or at the librarian's desk. Due to the open nature of the collection, it is not possible to order items with a "W'' using the computer catalog. Textbooks from the Open Stacks Area are not subject to reservation.

Books available in the Fiction Library (option for AGH employees and retirees ONLY) located in the Open Stacks Area should be borrowed directly on-site, using self-checkout devices, or at the librarian's desk. Items with a BB-Magazine location must be ordered remotely (by computer). Orders can be placed by phone (12 617 34 02) or by email at udo[at][dot]pl providing the author and the title of the publication. Books ordered by phone can be picked up only the same day the order is placed. The maximum waiting time for an order to be fulfilled is one hour. The books are to be collected from the Circulation Desk. There is a possibility of reservation for already borrowed titles.

Borrowing Limits:

  • student - 15 books,
  • a doctoral student - 18 books,
  • scientific and didactic employee - 25 books + 5 books from the Fiction Library,
  • other employees - 10 books + 5 books from the Employee Library.

For other users see Table of Limits

How do I extend my book return date? What to do if I have exceeded my limit for remote renewal?

If you would like to renew a loan, please log in to your account in the online catalog and use the remote renewal option. The limit of renewals for the books in stock is:

  • for AGH University students and doctoral students - 10 times
  • for AGH University teachers - 17 times

For other users see Table of Limits

You can also call the Circulation Desk (12 617 32 12) or send an e-mail to udo[at][dot]pl.
If you wish to renew books that are overdue and for which you have been charged a fee, please bring them to the Circulation Desk. After paying the fee (in cash, by credit card, or BLIK) during the opening hours of the Circulation Department, the books will be lent again.

How and where to return books?

If you only want to return books, we recommend using the book drop next to the entrance to the library (terms of use). 

It can be used 7 days a week, from 6.00 to 22.00.

If, after returning the books, you would like to borrow other publications, renew the books, or obtain a signature on a clearance slip, books should be returned at the Circulation Desk (Mon.-Fri. 8.00-19.45, Fri. 8.00-18.00, Sat. 8.00-15.00).

Returns can also be made by parcel sent to the following address:

AGH University Main Library

Circulation Department

al. Mickiewicza 30

30-059 Krakow

In this case please enclose your data (first and last name, number of electronic student card ELS or library card).
Please secure the sent books against damage.