An exhibition of foreign books 1-12.10.2013
The list of new foreign books presented from 01.10.2013 to 12.10.2013.
in The Main Library Reference Department (1st floor, room 204)
Logan, Daryl L. |
A first course in the finite element method |
II 255431 |
Rademakers, Tijs |
Activiti in action : executable business processes in BPMN 2.0 |
II 255418 |
Dobnikar, Andrej (ed.) |
Adaptive and natural computing algorithms : 10th International Conference, ICANNGA 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 14-16, 2011, proceedings. Pt. 2 |
II 255428 |
Weifu Lee, James (ed.) |
Advanced biofuels and bioproducts. Vol. 1 |
II 255661 |
Weifu Lee, James (ed.) |
Advanced biofuels and bioproducts. Vol. 2 |
II 255661 |
Khan, Rashid M. (ed.) |
Advances in clean hydrocarbon fuel processing : science and technology |
II 255708 |
Zhao, Jian (ed.) |
Advances in discontinuous numerical methods and applications in geomechanics and geoengineering : proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Discontinuous Numerical Methods and Applications in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, ICADD 10, Honolulu, Hawaii, 6-8, December 2011 |
II 255613 |
Piasecki, Stanisław |
An introduction to a theory of market competition. Vol. 1 |
II 255754 |
Wooldridge, Michael J. |
An introduction to multiagent systems |
II 255417 |
Swendsen, Robert H. |
An introduction to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics |
III 252767 |
Delone, Boris Nikolaevič |
Analitičeskaâ geometriâ. T. 1 |
III 252821 |
Cichy, Błażej |
Analysis and control of multi-dimensional (nD) spatio-temporal systems with non-causal spatial variables |
II 255438 |
Bazilian, Morgan (ed.) |
Analytical methods for energy diversity and security : portfolio optimization in the energy sector : a tribute to the work of Dr. Shimon Awerbuch |
II 255579 |
Kołopieńczyk, Małgorzata |
Application of adress converter for decreasing memory size of compositional microprogram control unit with code sharing |
II 255439 |
Eve, Arthur Stewart |
Applied geophysics in the search for minerals |
II 255348 |
Mukherjee, Swapna |
Applied mineralogy : applications in industry and environment |
II 255600 |
Barkalov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič |
Basic principles of logic design |
II 255554 |
Doligalski, Michał |
Behavioral specification diversification of reconfigurable logic controllers |
II 255442 |
Kielhöfer, Hansjörg |
Bifurcation theory : an introduction with applications to partial differential equations |
II 255570 |
Ursyn, Anna (ed.) |
Biologically-inspired computing for the arts : scientific data through graphics |
III 252784 |
Dahlquist, Erik (ed.) |
Biomass as energy source : resources, systems and applications |
II 255611 |
Ratner, Buddy D. (ed.) |
Biomaterials science : an introduction to materials in medicine |
III 252822 |
Tong, Raymond |
Biomechatronics in medicine and health care |
III 252799 |
Vallet-Regí, María |
Biomedical applications of mesoporous ceramics : drug delivery, smart materials and bone tissue engineering |
II 255735 |
Yingzi Du, Eliza (ed.) |
Biometrics : from fiction to practice |
II 255393 |
Bagchi, Debasis (ed.) |
Bio-nanotechnology : a revolution in food, biomedical and health sciences |
III 252765 |
Bialek, William S. |
Biophysics : searching for principles |
III 252813 |
Herold, Keith E. (ed.) |
Biosensors and molecular technologies for cancer diagnostics |
III 252770 |
Allweyer, Thomas |
BPMN 2.0 : introduction to the standard for business process modeling |
II 255362 |
Silver, Bruce Richard |
BPMN method and style : with BPMN implementer's quide |
II 255392 |
Weske, Mathias |
Business process management : concepts, languages, architectures |
II 255562 |
Wilcox, Jennifer |
Carbon capture |
II 255738 |
Al-Fattah, Saud M. (ed.) |
Carbon capture and storage : technologies, policies, economics, and implementation strategies |
III 252805 |
Terranova, Maria L. (ed.) |
Carbon nanomaterials for gas adsorption |
II 255823 |
Paipetis, A. S. (ed.) |
Carbon nanotube enhanced aerospace composite materials : a new generation of multifunctional hybrid structural composites |
II 255736 |
Che, Michel (ed.) |
Characterization of solid materials and heterogeneou catalysts : from structure to surface reactivity. Vol. 2 |
II 255642 |
Che, Michel (ed.) |
Characterization of solid materials and heterogeneou catalysts : from structure to surface reactivity. Vol. 1 |
II 255642 |
Blake, Sally (ed.) |
Child development and the use of technology : perspectives, applications and experiences |
III 252783 |
Hagen, William L. (ed.) |
Classification and application of fractals |
III 252778 |
Pletcher, Richard H. |
Computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer |
III 252779 |
Oka, Fusao |
Computational modeling of multiphase geomaterials |
II 255387 |
Razavi, Behzad |
Design of integrated circuits for optical communications |
II 255614 |
Pandit, Aniruddha Bhalchandra |
Drinking water disinfection techiques |
II 255568 |
Pyun Su-II |
Electrochemistry of insertion materials for hydrogen and lithium |
II 255737 |
Sivia, D. S. |
Elementary scattering theory : for X-ray and neutron users |
II 255582 |
anastasio, Mark A. (ed.) |
Emerging imaging technologies in medicine |
III 252824 |
Avérous, Luc (ed.) |
Environmental silicate nano-biocomposites |
II 255573 |
McPhail, Stephen J. |
Fuel cells in the waste-to-energy chain : distributed generation through non-conventional fuels and fuel cells |
II 255569 |
Malik, Fredmund F. |
Führen, Leisten, Leben : Wirksames Management für eine neue Zeit |
II 255412 |
Callister, William D. |
Fundamentals of materials science and engineering : SI version |
II 255624 |
Buryakovsky, Leonid |
Fundamentals of the petrophysics of oil and gas reservoirs |
II 255575 |
Stacey, Weston M. |
Fusion plasma physics |
II 255643 |
Cox, David A. |
Galois theory |
II 255519 |
Pavel, Lacramioara |
Game theory for control of optical networks |
II 255571 |
Lommler, John C. |
Geotechnical problem solving |
II 255615 |
Kacnel'son, Mihail Iosifovič |
Graphene : carbon in two dimensions |
II 255627 |
Sabnis, Gajanan M. (ed.) |
Green building with concrete : sustainable design and construction |
II 255574 |
Mohammad, Ali (ed.) |
Green solvents. 1, Properties and applications in chemistry |
II 255734 |
Maitlis, Peter (ed.) |
Greener Fischer-Tropsch processes for fuels and feedstocks |
II 255591 |
Cashman, P. M. |
Groundwater lowering in construction : a practical guide to dewatering |
II 255558 |
Saldívar-Guerra, Enruque (ed.) |
Handbook of polymer synthesis, characterization, and processing |
III 252823 |
Amus'â, Miron Ânkelevič |
Handbook of theoretical atomic physics : data for photon absorption, electron scattering, and vacancies decay |
II 255089 |
Grasman, Scott E. (ed.) |
Hydrogen energy and vehicle systems |
II 255669 |
Burland, John (ed.) |
ICE manual of geotechnical engineering. Vol. 1, Geotechnical engineering principles, problematic soils and site investigation |
III 252780 |
Stryjski, Roman (ed.) |
Innovation management in small and medium-sized enterprises : development of innovation - experiences in Poland |
II 255528 |
Ribeiro e Sousa, L. (ed.) |
Innovative numerical modelling in geomechanics |
III 252764 |
Hu, Fei (ed.) |
Intelligent sensor networks : the integration of sensor networks, signal processing and machine learning |
III 252811 |
Nadeau, Jay L. |
Introduction to experimental biophysics : biological methods for physical scientists |
III 252801 |
Bundschuh, Jochen |
Introduction to the numerical modeling of groundwater and geothermal systems : fundamentals of mass, energy and solute tranport in poroelastic rocks |
II 255625 |
Salatino, Mauricio |
jBPM5 developer quide : a java developer's guide to the JBosss busibess process management framework |
II 255430 |
Peng, Syd S. |
Longwall mining / Syd S. Peng. |
II 255964 |
Flach, Peter |
Machine learning : the art and science of algorithms that make sense of data |
II 255578 |
Braccini, Muriel (ed.) |
Mechanics of solid interfaces |
II 255563 |
Gosiewski, Zdzislaw (ed.) |
Mechatronic systems and materials IV |
II 255760 |
Gosiewski, Zdzislaw (ed.) |
Mechatronic systems and materials V |
II 255761 |
Bapat, Jayant D. |
Mineral admixtures in cement and concrete |
II 255517 |
Chen, Shu-Heng |
Multi-agent applications with evolutionary computation and biologically inspired technologies : intelligent techniques for ubiquity and optimization |
III 252787 |
Weiss, Gerhard (ed.) |
Multiagent systems |
III 252775 |
Serp, Philippe (ed.) |
Nanomaterials in catalysis |
II 255641 |
Qiang Xu (ed.) |
Nanoporous materials : synthesis and appications |
II 255566 |
Molnár, Árpád (ed.) |
Palladium-catalyzed coupling reactions : practical aspectcs and future developments |
II 256109 |
Leoński Wiesław (ed.) |
Physics and applications. 1, Quantum optics |
II 255490 |
Cherry, Simon R. |
Physics in nuclear medicine |
III 252818 |
Kozielski, Lucjan |
Piezoelectric transformer in transducer applications |
II 255659 |
Dumitriu, Severian (ed.) |
Polymeric biomaterials. Vol. 1, Structure and function |
III 252809 |
Dumitriu, Severian (ed.) |
Polymeric biomaterials. Vol. 2, Medicinal and pharmaceutical applications |
III 252809 |
Civan, Faruk. |
Porous media transport phenomena |
II 256091 |
Armaroli, Nicola |
Powering planet earth : energy solutions for the future |
II 255559 |
Holland, Malcolm |
Practical guide to diagnosing structural movement in buildings |
II 255361 |
Hemphill, Gary B. |
Practical tunnel construction |
II 255567 |
Novotny, Lukas |
Principles of nano-optics |
III 252802 |
Orehov, S. A. (ed.) |
Problemy transformacii sovremennoj rossijskoj èkonomiki : teoriâ i praktika organizacii i obespečeniâ upravleniâ : kollektivnaâ monografiâ trudov učastnikov IX meždunarodnogo naučno-praktičeskogo seminara, (26-28 fevralâ 2011 g., g. Moskva) |
II 255359 |
Kovchegov, Yuri V. |
Quantum chromodynamics at high energy ? |
III 252803 |
Ehrlich, Robert |
Renewable energy : a first course |
III 252781 |
Lokey, Elizabeth |
Renewable energy project development under the clean development mechanism : a guide for Latin America |
II 255373 |
Fornasiero, Paolo (ed.) |
Renewable resources and renewable energy : a global challenge |
III 252773 |
Razavi, Behzad |
RF microelectronics |
III 252769 |
Feng, Xia-Ting |
Rock engineering design |
III 252766 |
Tambe, Milind |
Security and game theory : algorithms, deployed systems, lessons learned |
II 255416 |
Iwaszczuk, Natalia (ed.) |
Selected economic and technological aspects of management |
II 255748 |
Woźniak, Czesław (ed.) |
Selected topics in the mechanics of inhomogeneous media |
II 255602 |
Farrokhrouz, Mohsen |
Shale engineering : mechanics and mechanisms |
II 255626 |
Wiatr, Kazimierz (ed.) |
Sixth ACC Cyfronet AGH Users' Conference, Zakopane, 28 February - 1 March 2013 : proceedings |
II 255499 |
Iniewski, Krzysztof (ed.) |
Smart sensors for industrial applications |
III 252812 |
Wy, Ying (Alice) (ed.) |
Sour gas and related technologies |
II 255664 |
Gould, Harvey |
Statistical and thermal physics with computer applications |
III 252777 |
Skogseid, Abram (ed.) |
Statistical mechanics and random walks : principles, processes and applications |
III 252776 |
Bégui, Françoi (ed.) |
Supercapacitors : materials, systems, and applications |
II 255599 |
Bukowiec, Arkadiusz |
Synthesis of finite state machines for FPGA devices based on architectural decomposition |
II 255440 |
Bieganowski, Jacek |
Synthesis of microprogram control units oriented toward decreasing the number of macrocells of addresing circuit |
II 255441 |
Szycher, Michael |
Szycher's handbook of polyurethanes |
III 252814 |
Dahlquist, Eric (ed.) |
Technologies for converting biomass to useful energy : combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, torrefaction and fermentation |
III 252808 |
Epstein, Marcelo |
The elements of continuum biomechanics |
II 255629 |
Spellman, Frank R. |
The science of renewable energy |
III 252774 |
Guo, Wei Dong |
Theory and practice of pile foundations |
II 255565 |
Wasserman, Allen L. |
Thermal physics : concepts and practice |
III 252768 |
Hołyst, Robert |
Thermodynamics for chemists, physicists and engineers |
II 255572 |
Levesque, Hector J. |
Thinking as computation : a first course |
II 255422 |
Spathis, A. T. (ed.) |
Tunnelling in rock by drilling and blasting : workshop hosted by FRAGBLAST 10 - the 10th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, New Delhi, India, 24-25 November 2012 |
II 255612 |
Zou, Cainend |
Unconventional petroleum geology |
III 252782 |
Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg |
II 192708 |
Goodship, Vanessa (ed.) |
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) handbook |
II 255560 |
Garcia-Sanz, Mario |
Wind energy systems : control engineering design |
III 252772 |
Brower, Michael |
Wind resource assessment : a practical guide to developing a wind project |
II 255666 |
Kulprathipanja, Santi (ed.) |
Zeolites in industrial separation and catalysis / ed. by Santi Kulprathipanja. |
II 255640 |