Biblioteka Główna Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie

Wystawa nowości zagranicznych 1-12.10.2013

Wykaz nowych książek zagranicznych prezentowanych w okresie od 01.10.2013 do 12.10.2013.

w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej Biblioteki Głównej AGH (I piętro, p. 204)




Logan, Daryl L.

A first course in the finite element method

II 255431

Rademakers, Tijs

Activiti in action : executable business processes in BPMN 2.0

II 255418

Dobnikar, Andrej (ed.)

Adaptive and natural computing algorithms : 10th International Conference, ICANNGA 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 14-16, 2011, proceedings. Pt. 2

II 255428

Weifu Lee, James (ed.)

Advanced biofuels and bioproducts. Vol. 1

II 255661

Weifu Lee, James (ed.)

Advanced biofuels and bioproducts. Vol. 2

II 255661

Khan, Rashid M. (ed.)

Advances in clean hydrocarbon fuel processing : science and technology

II 255708

Zhao, Jian (ed.)

Advances in discontinuous numerical methods and applications in geomechanics and geoengineering : proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Discontinuous Numerical Methods and Applications in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, ICADD 10, Honolulu, Hawaii, 6-8, December 2011

II 255613

Piasecki, Stanisław

An introduction to a theory of market competition. Vol. 1

II 255754

Wooldridge, Michael J.

An introduction to multiagent systems

II 255417

Swendsen, Robert H.

An introduction to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics

III 252767

Delone, Boris Nikolaevič

Analitičeskaâ geometriâ. T. 1

III 252821

Cichy, Błażej

Analysis and control of multi-dimensional (nD) spatio-temporal systems with non-causal spatial variables

II 255438

Bazilian, Morgan (ed.)

Analytical methods for energy diversity and security : portfolio optimization in the energy sector : a tribute to the work of Dr. Shimon Awerbuch

II 255579

Kołopieńczyk, Małgorzata

Application of adress converter for decreasing memory size of compositional microprogram control unit with code sharing

II 255439

Eve, Arthur Stewart

Applied geophysics in the search for minerals

II 255348

Mukherjee, Swapna

Applied mineralogy : applications in industry and environment

II 255600

Barkalov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič

Basic principles of logic design

II 255554

Doligalski, Michał

Behavioral specification diversification of reconfigurable logic controllers

II 255442

Kielhöfer, Hansjörg

Bifurcation theory : an introduction with applications to partial differential equations

II 255570

Ursyn, Anna (ed.)

Biologically-inspired computing for the arts : scientific data through graphics

III 252784

Dahlquist, Erik (ed.)

Biomass as energy source : resources, systems and applications

II 255611

Ratner, Buddy D. (ed.)

Biomaterials science : an introduction to materials in medicine

III 252822

Tong, Raymond

Biomechatronics in medicine and health care

III 252799

Vallet-Regí, María

Biomedical applications of mesoporous ceramics : drug delivery, smart materials and bone tissue engineering

II 255735

Yingzi Du, Eliza (ed.)

Biometrics : from fiction to practice

II 255393

Bagchi, Debasis (ed.)

Bio-nanotechnology : a revolution in food, biomedical and health sciences

III 252765

Bialek, William S.

Biophysics : searching for principles

III 252813

Herold, Keith E. (ed.)

Biosensors and molecular technologies for cancer diagnostics

III 252770

Allweyer, Thomas

BPMN 2.0 : introduction to the standard for business process modeling

II 255362

Silver, Bruce Richard

BPMN method and style : with BPMN implementer's quide

II 255392

Weske, Mathias

Business process management : concepts, languages, architectures

II 255562

Wilcox, Jennifer

Carbon capture

II 255738

Al-Fattah, Saud M. (ed.)

Carbon capture and storage : technologies, policies, economics, and implementation strategies

III 252805

Terranova, Maria L. (ed.)

Carbon nanomaterials for gas adsorption

II 255823

Paipetis, A. S. (ed.)

Carbon nanotube enhanced aerospace composite materials : a new generation of multifunctional hybrid structural composites

II 255736

Che, Michel (ed.)

Characterization of solid materials and heterogeneou catalysts : from structure to surface reactivity. Vol. 2

II 255642

Che, Michel (ed.)

Characterization of solid materials and heterogeneou catalysts : from structure to surface reactivity. Vol. 1

II 255642

Blake, Sally (ed.)

Child development and the use of technology : perspectives, applications and experiences

III 252783

Hagen, William L. (ed.)

Classification and application of fractals

III 252778

Pletcher, Richard H.

Computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer

III 252779

Oka, Fusao

Computational modeling of multiphase geomaterials

II 255387

Razavi, Behzad

Design of integrated circuits for optical communications

II 255614

Pandit, Aniruddha Bhalchandra

Drinking water disinfection techiques

II 255568

Pyun Su-II

Electrochemistry of insertion materials for hydrogen and lithium

II 255737

Sivia, D. S.

Elementary scattering theory : for X-ray and neutron users

II 255582

anastasio, Mark A. (ed.)

Emerging imaging technologies in medicine

III 252824

Avérous, Luc (ed.)

Environmental silicate nano-biocomposites

II 255573

McPhail, Stephen J.

Fuel cells in the waste-to-energy chain : distributed generation through non-conventional fuels and fuel cells

II 255569

Malik, Fredmund F.

Führen, Leisten, Leben : Wirksames Management für eine neue Zeit

II 255412

Callister, William D.

Fundamentals of materials science and engineering : SI version

II 255624

Buryakovsky, Leonid

Fundamentals of the petrophysics of oil and gas reservoirs

II 255575

Stacey, Weston M.

Fusion plasma physics

II 255643

Cox, David A.

Galois theory

II 255519

Pavel, Lacramioara

Game theory for control of optical networks

II 255571

Lommler, John C.

Geotechnical problem solving

II 255615

Kacnel'son, Mihail Iosifovič

Graphene : carbon in two dimensions

II 255627

Sabnis, Gajanan M. (ed.)

Green building with concrete : sustainable design and construction

II 255574

Mohammad, Ali (ed.)

Green solvents. 1, Properties and applications in chemistry

II 255734

Maitlis, Peter (ed.)

Greener Fischer-Tropsch processes for fuels and feedstocks

II 255591

Cashman, P. M.

Groundwater lowering in construction : a practical guide to dewatering

II 255558

Saldívar-Guerra, Enruque (ed.)

Handbook of polymer synthesis, characterization, and processing

III 252823

Amus'â, Miron Ânkelevič

Handbook of theoretical atomic physics : data for photon absorption, electron scattering, and vacancies decay

II 255089

Grasman, Scott E. (ed.)

Hydrogen energy and vehicle systems

II 255669

Burland, John (ed.)

ICE manual of geotechnical engineering. Vol. 1, Geotechnical engineering principles, problematic soils and site investigation

III 252780

Stryjski, Roman (ed.)

Innovation management in small and medium-sized enterprises : development of innovation - experiences in Poland

II 255528

Ribeiro e Sousa, L. (ed.)

Innovative numerical modelling in geomechanics

III 252764

Hu, Fei (ed.)

Intelligent sensor networks : the integration of sensor networks, signal processing and machine learning

III 252811

Nadeau, Jay L.

Introduction to experimental biophysics : biological methods for physical scientists

III 252801

Bundschuh, Jochen

Introduction to the numerical modeling of groundwater and  geothermal systems : fundamentals of mass, energy and solute tranport in poroelastic rocks

II 255625

Salatino, Mauricio

jBPM5 developer quide : a java developer's guide to the JBosss busibess process management framework

II 255430

Peng, Syd S.

Longwall mining / Syd S. Peng.

II 255964

Flach, Peter

Machine learning : the art and science of algorithms that make sense of data

II 255578

Braccini, Muriel (ed.)

Mechanics of solid interfaces

II 255563

Gosiewski, Zdzislaw (ed.)

Mechatronic systems and materials IV

II 255760

Gosiewski, Zdzislaw (ed.)

Mechatronic systems and materials V

II 255761

Bapat, Jayant D.

Mineral admixtures in cement and concrete

II 255517

Chen, Shu-Heng

Multi-agent applications with evolutionary computation and biologically inspired technologies : intelligent techniques for ubiquity and optimization

III 252787

Weiss, Gerhard (ed.)

Multiagent systems

III 252775

Serp, Philippe (ed.)

Nanomaterials in catalysis

II 255641

Qiang Xu (ed.)

Nanoporous materials : synthesis and appications

II 255566

Molnár, Árpád (ed.)

Palladium-catalyzed coupling reactions : practical aspectcs and future developments

II 256109

Leoński Wiesław (ed.)

Physics and applications. 1, Quantum optics

II 255490

Cherry, Simon R.

Physics in nuclear medicine

III 252818

Kozielski, Lucjan

Piezoelectric transformer in transducer applications

II 255659

Dumitriu, Severian (ed.)

Polymeric biomaterials. Vol. 1, Structure and function

III 252809

Dumitriu, Severian (ed.)

Polymeric biomaterials. Vol. 2, Medicinal and pharmaceutical applications

III 252809

Civan, Faruk.

Porous media transport phenomena

II 256091

Armaroli, Nicola

Powering planet earth : energy solutions for the future

II 255559

Holland, Malcolm

Practical guide to diagnosing structural movement in buildings

II 255361

Hemphill, Gary B.

Practical tunnel construction

II 255567

Novotny, Lukas

Principles of nano-optics

III 252802

Orehov, S. A. (ed.)

Problemy transformacii sovremennoj rossijskoj èkonomiki : teoriâ i praktika organizacii i obespečeniâ upravleniâ : kollektivnaâ monografiâ trudov učastnikov IX meždunarodnogo naučno-praktičeskogo seminara, (26-28 fevralâ 2011 g., g. Moskva)

II 255359

Kovchegov, Yuri V.

Quantum chromodynamics at high energy ?

III 252803

Ehrlich, Robert

Renewable energy : a first course

III 252781

Lokey, Elizabeth

Renewable energy project development under the clean development mechanism : a guide for Latin America

II 255373

Fornasiero, Paolo (ed.)

Renewable resources and renewable energy : a global challenge

III 252773

Razavi, Behzad

RF microelectronics

III 252769

Feng, Xia-Ting

Rock engineering design

III 252766

Tambe, Milind

Security and game theory : algorithms, deployed systems, lessons learned

II 255416

Iwaszczuk, Natalia (ed.)

Selected economic and technological aspects of management

II 255748

Woźniak, Czesław (ed.)

Selected topics in the mechanics of inhomogeneous media

II 255602

Farrokhrouz, Mohsen

Shale engineering : mechanics and mechanisms

II 255626

Wiatr, Kazimierz (ed.)

Sixth ACC Cyfronet AGH Users' Conference, Zakopane, 28 February - 1 March 2013 : proceedings

II 255499

Iniewski, Krzysztof (ed.)

Smart sensors for industrial applications

III 252812

Wy, Ying (Alice) (ed.)

Sour gas and related technologies

II 255664

Gould, Harvey

Statistical and thermal physics with computer applications

III 252777

Skogseid, Abram (ed.)

Statistical mechanics and random walks : principles, processes and applications

III 252776

Bégui, Françoi (ed.)

Supercapacitors : materials, systems, and applications

II 255599

Bukowiec, Arkadiusz

Synthesis of finite state machines for FPGA devices based on architectural decomposition

II 255440

Bieganowski, Jacek

Synthesis of microprogram control units oriented toward decreasing the number of macrocells of addresing circuit

II 255441

Szycher, Michael

Szycher's handbook of polyurethanes

III 252814

Dahlquist, Eric (ed.)

Technologies for converting biomass to useful energy : combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, torrefaction and fermentation

III 252808

Epstein, Marcelo

The elements of continuum biomechanics

II 255629

Spellman, Frank R.

The science of renewable energy

III 252774

Guo, Wei Dong

Theory and practice of pile foundations

II 255565

Wasserman, Allen L.

Thermal physics : concepts and practice

III 252768

Hołyst, Robert

Thermodynamics for chemists, physicists and engineers

II 255572

Levesque, Hector J.

Thinking as computation : a first course

II 255422

Spathis, A. T. (ed.)

Tunnelling in rock by drilling and blasting : workshop hosted by FRAGBLAST 10 - the 10th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, New Delhi, India, 24-25 November 2012

II 255612

Zou, Cainend

Unconventional petroleum geology

III 252782


Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg

II 192708

Goodship, Vanessa (ed.)

Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) handbook

II 255560

Garcia-Sanz, Mario

Wind energy systems : control engineering design

III 252772

Brower, Michael

Wind resource assessment : a practical guide to developing a wind project

II 255666

Kulprathipanja, Santi (ed.)

Zeolites in industrial separation and catalysis / ed. by Santi Kulprathipanja.

II 255640