Our librarians of merit
Marian Górkiewicz, PhD (1910-1989), A graduate of the Lvov University, an employee of the Ossolinski National Institute Library in Lvov and Wroclaw, and from 1952 of the AGH-UST Main Library, from 1952 the deputy director and from 1972 the director of the Library. Among his publications were: Ceny w Krakowie w latach 1796-1914 [Prices in Cracow from 1976 to 1914] (1950), and Bibliografia publikacji pracowników AGH z lat 1919-1958 [Bibliographic list of publications written by the staff of the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy 1919-1958] (1960). | |
Helena Jarecka, MA (1924-1998), A graduate of the Jagiellonian University; an employee of the Municipal Public Library in Cracow (1949-1951), then of the AGH-UST Main Library; the creator and the first manager of the Reference Department (1960-1984); a lecturer at the Jagiellonian University and the Pedagogical Academy; the author of nine entries in Słownik pracowników książki polskiej [The dictionary of Polish book employees] (1972) and, among others, articles: Technicy polscy w międzynarodowym ruchu dokumentacyjnym 1929-1939 [Polish technicians in international documental movement 1929-1939], Roczniki Biblioteczne, 1979, issue 1, p. 219-235, and Z historii światowego ruchu dokumentacyjnego (od końca XIX w. do światowego Kongresu Dokumentacyjnego w Paryżu) [From the history of the international documental movement (from the end of XIX century to the International Congress of Documentation in Paris)], Roczniki Biblioteczne, 1980, issue 2, p.197-217. | |
Oskar Nowotny, Prof. (1875-1972), A graduate of the Academy of Mining in Leoben, and a tutor there from 1901 to 1914, and from 1919 to 1920; from 1920 to 1939 a professor in the Department of Geodesy and Mine Surveing at AGH-UST in Cracow; from 1925 to 1939 the Chairman of the Senate Library Commission (at the same time the Library manager); during the German occupation a clerk in the German administration in Cracow; from 1945 in Austria. | |
Władysław Piasecki, MA (1901-1978) | |
Anna Puciata, MA (1905-1991) | |
Maria Szawłowska, MA (1915-2001) | |
Janina Wawrykiewicz, MA (1926-1993) A graduate in Polish philology at the Jagiellonian University - a certified librarian. She took up a post in the AGH-UST Main Library on 1 January 1953. As early as in the first years of employment she was entrusted with the management of the Journals Department. She organized this department from scratch, dealing with the acquisition, preparation and circulation of the constantly increasing number of scientific periodicals. In 1960 she took charge of the Acquisitions and Collection Development Department. She held this important post for 30 years, until retirement in 1990. She trained many generations of librarians; many future managers of the Library departments commenced their careers under her guidance. She is a co-author of the annotated bibliography of Rozdzienski’s publications and the author of a few entries in Słownik pracowników książki polskiej [The dictionary of Polish book employees] (1972). | |
Danuta Zbroja, MA (1927-2003) A graduate in Romance philology at the Jagiellonian University - a certified librarian. On 8 June 1959 she took up a post in the Collection Preparation Department of the AGH-UST Main Library. She thoroughly familiarized herself with the Library activities during a few years’ internship in almost all its agencies. However, collection preparation (especially books) remained the closest to her interests. In 1972 she took charge of the Books Preparation Department and she held this post until retirement in 1983. She trained many generations of librarians, running outstandingly prepared workshops for students of librarianship, giving lectures and providing training for librarians of the Main Library and branch libraries. Fluent command of French and extensive reading of professional literature enabled her to bring problems of contemporary foreign librarianship into Polish librarians’ and students’ attention. She was a co-author of Bibliografia publikacji pracowników Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej za lata 1959-1967 [Bibliographic list of publications written by the staff of the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy 1959-1967], and the author of several articles published in professional journals. | |
Zofia Żebrowska, MA (1905-1995) A graduate of Jan Kazimierz University in Lvov; during studies she worked in the Ossolinski National Institute Library in Lvov; a high school teacher in Lvov (1931-1938), Stanislawow (1938-1940), Krzeszowice (1945-1951); a nurse (1940-1944); during the Nazi occupation she participated in underground education (awarded the Commission of National Education medal); a certified librarian in the AGH-UST Main Library (1951-1969); after retirement she continued working for the Library until 1974; the author of two publications in the field of history and ten entries in Słownik pracowników książki polskiej [The dictionary of Polish book employees] (1972). |