AGH University Main Library

Tematic maps

Thematic maps are published by Polish Geological Institute and Head of Office of Geodesy and Cartography.

Maps covering the whole territory of Poland

• Closed series

Geological map of Poland 1:300 000

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Map was prepared from 1947 to 1955 under editorial staff by Edward Rühle. It was published in two versions:
A – surface deposits (covered)      M.262
B- map of quaternary sediments (uncovered)     M.351
Each edition consists of 28 sheets. Library possesses set of map sheets.

Hydrogeological map of Poland 1:300 000

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Map was prepared from 1947 to 1955 under editorial staff by Cyryl Kolago. It was published in two versions A (M.937) and B (M.938), each consists of 28 sheets. Both versions are supplemented by text brochure. Library possesses set of map sheets and texts.

Geological-engineering map of Poland 1:300 000     M.939

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Map was prepared from 1955 to 1962 under editorial staff by Ludwik Watych. It covers 28 map sheets for whole territory of Poland. Library possesses set of map sheets.

Geological map of Poland 1:200 000     M.1351

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Map covers the whole territory of Poland. It was published as colored maps in two versions:

A - covered

B - uncovered, without Quaternary sediments

Each map sheet contains a geological cross-section and stratigraphic - lithologic profiles. Both versions are supplemented by text brochure. Library possesses set of map sheets and texts.

Hydrogeological map of Poland 1:200 000     M.1450

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Map was published from 1976 to 1990 under scientific editor - Cyryl Kolago. Map covers the whole territory of Poland (74 map sheets). Map presents areas of different potential water discharge, depth of the first useful aquifier, hydroisohypses and mineral water occurences. Each sheet is supplemented by text brochure. Library possesses set of map sheets and texts.


• Current series

Detailed geological map of Poland 1:50 000     M.1055

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Map is published since 1954. Map covers the whole territory of Poland (excluded Sudetes area – they are mapped in scale 1:25 000). Map is supplemented with one or two geological cross sections. Each sheet is provided with brochure text explanations, containing description of geological structure of the area, mineral potential, hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions.
Map is construed in cartographic projection „1942”, excluded sheet Wadowice, which is construed in „1965”.

Geological-economical map of Poland 1:50 000     M.1893

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- Map is systematically published since 1997. Map presents mineral deposits distribution and development against selected elements of mining and mineral processing, hydrogeology, engineering geology, nature, landscape and cultural monuments. Map is construed in cartographic projection „1942”. A text brochure was prepared for each sheet.

  • Geo-environmental map of Poland Plate A 1:50 000     M.3722

Plate A - is updated geological-economical map of Poland.  Map presents: deposits, water, basement, environmental protection. A te xt brochure was prepared for each sheet.


• Geo-environmental map of Poland Plate B 1:50 000     M.3630

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Map is prepared since 2002. This map presents information about geochemistry of environment, including the possibility of sitting waste dumps . Map is constructed in cartographic projection „1942”. A te xt brochure was prepared for each sheet.

Environmental map of Poland 1:50 000     M.1260

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Map is published since 1990. Map presents environment and also reasons and results of both negatives and positives changes which occur in environment. At the beginning map was prepared in cartographic projection „1942”, now in „1992”. There is a text prepared by consultant on the back side of sheets.

Hydrographical map of Poland 1:50 000     M.2365   M.2283

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skorowidz układ 1942 i 1992

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skorowidz układ 1965

Map i prepared since 1985. At the beginning map was prepared in cartographic projection „1965”, later in „1942” and „1992”. Map presents location of surface waters, circulation of water, information about quality of water, balance of water resources. On the back side of sheets there is a text which was prepared by consultant.

• Hydrogeological map of Poland 1:50 000     M.3644

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Published since 1996. The aim of the map is the synthetic presentation of the hydrogeological conditions, useful aquifers and characterisation of groundwater resources, their dynamics, quality and hazards. Map is construed in cartographic projection „1942”. For each sheet is prepared text brochure.


Map of soils of Poland 1:300 000     M.968

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Map of soils was published in 1961 in 28 sheets and covers the whole territory of Poland. For all sheets there is one text brochure

Map of rock resources of Poland 1:300 000     M.794

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Map was prepared by Geological Institute in 1965. It consists of 28 sheets and text brochure.


Selected regions of Poland

Detailed map of Sudetes Mountains 1:25 000     M.896

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Map is published since 1955. Map covers territory from Prudnik to Western border of Poland. It presents Polish part of Sudetes Mountains and their fore-land. Each map sheet contains one or several typical geological sections and stratigraphic profile. It is supplied with text brochure where description of the geological conditions, profiles and results of the field and laboratory analysis can be found.

Detailed geological map of Poland 1:50 000 – temporary edition    M.1347

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Map covers area of Karpaty and their fore-land. It is black and white edition without quaternary sediments.

Geological map of Tatry Mountains 1:10 000         M.479

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Map was published from 1958 to 1980. Map consists of 14 map sheets.

Geological map of Pieniny Klippen Belt 1:10 000     M.430

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Map was prepared by Krzysztof Birkenmajer. Map consists of 20 map sheets