AGH University Main Library

Topographical maps

Most of topographical maps which were published before 1990 as secret or confidential. They were declassified in 90-ties.
The topographical maps were published by Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography and Topographical Survey of Polish Forces. At the beginning, topographical maps were construed in cartographic projection „1942”, now in „1992”.


Topographical map of Poland 1:10 000 - M.1275

ikona - skorowidz


Map was published since 1993 by Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography in Warsaw (815 sheets) and later in collaboration with Marshal Offices. Timeliness of this map is between 1991 to 1994. It is construed in cartographic projection „1942”, „1992”.

Topographical map of Poland 1:25 000 - M.1261

ikona - skorowidz


Map was published by Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography. Map is construed in cartographic projection „1965” and is characterized by average precision.

Topographical map of Poland 1:50 000    |    Military-topographic map of Poland

ikona - skorowidz


Map was published since 1995 by Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography. At the beginning the first 42 sheets were construed in cartographic projection :”1942” and following in „1992”.
Library bought sheets of Military-topographic map of Poland. Timeliness of this map is from 2002 till now. It is construed in World Geodetic System (WGS) 1984 ant contents UTM Reference System.

Topographical map of Poland 1:100 000 - M.1076

ikona - skorowidz


Map was published by Geographic General Staff of Managing Board from 1993 to 2001. It is touristic edition. Map consists of 151 sheets covering whole territory of Poland. Library possesses set of map sheets.

Topographical map of Poland 1:200 000 - M.1075

ikona - skorowidz


Map was published by Geographic General Staff of Managing Board from 1990-1993. Map consists of 76 sheets for whole territory of Poland. Library possesses set of map sheets.

Topographical map of Poland (districts) 1:25 000

ikona - skorowidz


Map was published by Topographic Board of General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces from 1959 to 1956. Map was published for each district. It isn't precise. On map deformation of terrain was used. Library possesses 1172 sheets..