AGH University Main Library

IHS Engineering Workbench

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania IHS markit

The total available data set in IHS Engineering Workbench represents 1.7 million documents from more than 370 standards developing organizations (SDOs), including international, regional, national, local and corporate sources, plus key government and military agencies. These organizations include: AIA/NAS, ANSI, API, ASQ,ASME, ASTM, BSI, CSA, DIN, EIA (including ECA, JEDEC, GEIA, TIA), GM, IEC, ICEA, IEEE/IEL, IPC,ISA, ISO, NEMA, NFPA, SAE, UL and many more. It serves as an indexing tool for searching for ASTM standards, which are available in a full-text form in the Standards and Patents Reading Room.

Language: English

Type of information: bibliographic and abstract

Search criteria: standard number, words from the title or abstract, key words, IPC codes, organization


The database is available in the Special Collections Department

2nd floor, room 213, phone 12 617 32 17, ozs[at][dot]pl