AGH University Main Library

Self-Study Reading Room open until 10 p.m.


In July 2023, the temporary Self-Study Reading Room (p. 3, ground floor) is open on days when the Library is open daily from 7.30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

During the academic year, the Self-Study Reading Room is open Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. On Saturdays and on days when the Library is open until 3 p.m., the Self-Study Reading Room is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

You can enter the Main Library lobby and the  Self-Study Reading Room during the stated hours by opening the entrance door with your ELS student card or ELD doctoral student card.

How to do this? After entering the vestibule of the Library, approach the glass door to the right. Place your card on the strip where the sticker with the student card graphic is, wait for the green light to come on, and open the door. A prerequisite for the sensor to work correctly is a library account activated for the current academic year.

For your mutual security, it is important that each person entering the Library in the morning or evening applies their ID card to the sensor, thus registering themselves in the Electronic Guest Book.  The records in the ECG will at the same time allow us to justify the service of opening the Library during extended hours.

For the sake of our mutual security, it is important that each person entering the Library in the morning or evening puts their ID card to the sensor thus registering themselves in the Electronic Guest Book.  The records in the ECG will at the same time allow us to justify the service of opening the Library during extended hours.

If you are not enrolled in the Main Library, please fill in the form. If your account is not active for the current academic year, please send us an email to: udo[at][dot]pl. Your account will be activated within the next working day. You can, of course, sign up or activate your account on-site during Lending Library opening hours.

Unfortunately, access to the Library, as well as the use of lockers, is not possible with "green" barcode library cards. Employees who would be interested in using the Own Book Reading Room during evening hours are kindly requested to produce an electronic university teacher's card (ELSNA) or an electronic employee's card (ELP) and to apply at the Lending Library for the use of this document as a library card.