AGH University Main Library

An exhibition of foreign books 1-15.02.2019

The list of new foreign books presented from 01.02.2019 to 15.02.2019

in The Main Library Reference Department (1st floor, room 121).





Khademhosseini, Ali (red.)

3D bioprinting in regenerative engineering : principles and applications

II 264650

Venerus, David

A modern course in transport phenomena

III 253714

Nunes, David

A practical introduction to human-in-the-loop cyber-physical systems

II 264732


Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH : 2019

III 253761

Kim, Siyong (red.)

Advanced and emerging technologies in radiation oncology physics

III 253759

Dosanjh, Manjit (red.)

Advances in particle therapy : a multidisciplinary approach

III 253760

Rajzer, Viktor Ûrʹevič

Advances in passive microwave remote sensing of oceans

II 264694

Tiwary, Abhishek

Air pollution : measurment, modelling and mitigation

II 264725

Corlosquet-Habart, Marine (red.)

Big data for insurance companies

II 264720

Merz, Hermann

Building automation : communication systems with EIB/KNX, LON and BACnet

II 264670

Oyekan, Soni O.

Catalytic naphtha reforming process

II 264669

Kundu, Madhusree

Chemometric monitoring : product quality assessment, process fault detection, and appplications

III 253716

Dvorak, Pavel

Clinical radioteraphy physics with MATLAB® : a problem-solving approach

III 253756

Bergman, David R.

Computational acoustics : theory and implementation

II 264736

Cimrák, Ivan

Computational blood cell mechanics : road towards models and biomedical applications

II 264661

Loce, Robert P.

Computer vision and imaging in intelligent transportation systems

III 253718

Ghiaasiaan, Seyed Mostafa

Convective heat and mass transfer

III 253738

Gullo, Louis J. (red.)

Design for safety

III 253763

Xiao, Perry

Designing embedded systems and the internet of things  (IoT) with the ARM® Mbed

II 264734

Carmés, Maryse

Digital organizations manufacturing : scripts, performativity and semiopolitics

II 264702

Rojo-Álvarez, José Luis

Digital signal processing with kernel methods

II 264735

Broughton, S. Allen

Discrete Fourier analysis and wavelets : applications to signal and image processing

II 264603

Hossain, M. Enamul

Drilling engineering : problems and solutions : a field guide for engineers and students

II 264665

Brenna, Morris

Electrical railway transportation systems

II 264624

Khan, Anish (red.)

Electrically conductive polymers and polymer composites : from synthesis to biomedical applications

II 264740

Farret, Felix Alberto

Electronic instrumentation for distributed generation and power processes

II 264696

Kny, Erich (red.)

Electrospinning : from basic research to commercialization

II 264700

Sabba, Dharani (red.)

Electrospinning technique and its application for solar cells, batteries and biotechnology

II 264617

Ray, Bankim Chandra

Fibrous polymeric composites : environmental degradation and damage

II 264667

Wilkes, James O.

Fluid mechanics for chemical engineers : with Microfluidics, CFD, and COMSOL Multiphysics 5

III 253720

André, Jean-Claude

From additive manufacturing to 3D/4D Printing. 1, From concepts to achievements

II 264698

Parriaux, Aurèle

Geology : basics for engineers

II 264730

Kakaç, Sadik

Heat conduction

III 253728

Mi, Chris

Hybrid electric vehicles : principles and applications with practical perspectives

II 264737

Zhu, Jiaqi

Infrared antireflective and protective coatings

II 264714

Viallet, Virginie

Inorganic massive batteries

II 264721

Naushad, Mu. (red.)

Life cycle assessment of wastewater treatment

II 264674

Morana, Joëlle


II 264722

Koleżyński, Andrzej (red.)

Molecular spectroscopy - experiment and theory : from molecules to functional materials

II 264705

Rosu, Marius

Multiphysics simulation by design for electrical machines, power electronics, and drives

II 264597

Termentzidis, Konstantinos (red.)

Nanostructured semiconductors : amorphization and thermal properties

II 264598

Raj, Baldev (red.)

Nanotechnology for energy sustainability. Vol. 1

II 264741

Raj, Baldev (red.)

Nanotechnology for energy sustainability. Vol. 2

II 264741

Raj, Baldev (red.)

Nanotechnology for energy sustainability. Vol. 3

II 264741

Northrop, Robert B.

Noninvasive instrumentation and measurement in medical diagnosis

III 253757

Yates, Katherine L.

Offshore energy and marine spatial planning

II 264704

Craddock, Henry A.

Oilfield chemistry and its environmental impact

III 253758

Tan, Seng Ching (red.)

Photosynthetic protein-based photovoltaics

II 264692

Nikravesh, Parviz E.

Planar multibody dynamics : formulation, programming with MATLAB®, and applications

III 253727

Azzaroni, Omar (red.)

Polymer and biopolymer brushes : for materials science and biotechnology. Vol. 2

II 264641

Azzaroni, Omar (red.)

Polymer and biopolymer brushes : for materials science and biotechnology. Vol. 1

II 264641

Mittal, Vikas (red.)

Polymer nanocomposite foams

II 264645

Iyer, Narayanaswamy P. R.

Power electronic converters : interactive modelling using simulink

II 264691

Badescu, Viorel (red.)

Power engineering : advances and challenges. Pt. A, Thermal, hydro and nuclear power

II 264703

Kabashkin, Igor (red.)

Reliability and statistics in transportation and communication : selected papers from the 17th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, RelStat'17, 18-21 October, 2017, Riga, Latvia

II 264644

Vonta, Ilia (red.)

Reliability engineering : theory and applications

II 264693

Yallup, Kevin (red.)

Sensors for diagnostics and monitoring : devices, circuits & systems

II 264679

Sejdić, Ervin (red.)

Signal processing and machine learning for biomedical big data

III 253736

Franaszek, Agata

Siła pasji : Alfons Długosz (1902-1975) = The power of passion

III 253754

Spagnolini, Umberto

Statistical signal processing in engineering

II 264750

Chen, Hua-Peng

Structural health monitoring of large civil engineering structures

II 264728

Tretâka, K. R. (red.)

Sučasna geodinamika ta geofizični polâ Karpat i sumižnih teritorij : monografiâ

II 264726

Gonzalez-Feliu, Jesus

Sustainable urban logistics : planning and evaluation

II 264697

Noor, Zainura Zainon (red.)

Sustainable water treatment : innovative technologies

II 264678

Fan, Chunhai (red.)

Synchrotron radiation in materials science : light sources, techiques and applications. Vol. 1

II 264743

Fan, Chunhai (red.)

Synchrotron radiation in materials science : light sources, techiques and applications. Vol. 2

II 264743

Li, Zongzhi

Transportation asset management : methodology and applications

III 253755

Cvitanović, Predrag

Universality in chaos

II 264699

Qasim, Syed R.

Wastewater treatment and reuse : theory and design examples. Vol. 2, Post-treatment, reuse, and disposal

III 253734

Qasim, Syed R.

Wastewater treatment and reuse : theory and design examples. Vol. 1, Principles and basic treatment

III 253734