AGH University Main Library

An exhibition of foreign books 1-17.12.2018

The list of new foreign books presented from 1.12.2018 to 17.12.2018

in The Main Library Reference Department (1st floor, room 121).






73rd World Foundry Congress "Creative Foundry", 23rd-27th September 2018, Kraków, Poland : congress proceedings : scientific and technical

III 253691


73rd World Foundry Congress "Creative Foundry", 23rd-27th September 2018, Kraków, Poland : congress proceedings : young researchers' seminar

III 253692

Hrkal, Zbyněk

About people and water

II 264375

Dezotti, Márcia

Advanced biological processes for wastewater treatment : emerging, consolidated technologies and introduction to molecular techniques

II 264378

Finlay, Janet

An introduction to artificial intelligence

II 264385

Thompson, Steven John

Androids, cyborgs, and robots in contemporary culture and society

III 253699

Lakshmana Rao, C.

Applied impact mechanics

II 264481

Bisi, Manjubala

Artificial neural network for software reliability prediction

II 264449

Berger, Hans

Automating with SIMATIC S7-1500 : configuring, programming and testing with STEP 7 Professional

II 264341

Hanlon, Roger T.

Cephalopod behaviour

II 264367

Darmaillacg, Anne-Sophie (ed.)

Cephalopod cognition

III 253711

Li, Bowen (red.)

Characterization of minerals, metals and materials 2018

II 264377

Pešek, Jiři

Coal-bearing basins and coal deposits of the Czech Republik

II 264386

Kaisare, Niket S.

Computational techniques for process simulation and analysis using MATLAB®

III 253709

Bin Liu (ed.)

Conjugated polymers for biological and biomedical applications

II 264343

Devlin, Keith J.


II 264381

Lokoŝenko, Aleksandr Mihajlovič

Creep and long-term strength of metals

II 264382

Guo, Fanghong

Distributed control and optimization technologies in smart grid systems

II 264380

Paulo, Andrzej

Evolution of technology and the market of steel raw materials in the period 1915-2015

II 264393

Speight, James G.

Formulas and calculations for drilling operations

II 264435

Bhaumik, Arkapravo

From AI to robotics : mobile, social, and sentient robots

III 253702

Chia, Chin Hua (ed.)

Functional polymeric composites : macro to nanoscales

II 264423

Zaikov, Gennady E. (ed.)

Heavy metals and other pollutants in the environment : biological aspects

II 264379

Heuss-Aßbichler, Soraya (red.)

Highlights in applied mineralogy

II 264368

Bertling Tjernberg, Lina

Infrastructure asset management with power system applications

II 264421

Rybaŕík, Václav

Kamenná katedrála : kámen v historii stavby, výzdoby a oprav katedrály sv. Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha v Praze

II 264349

Chrzęszczyk, Andrzej

Matrix computations on Intel® Xeon Phi : MAGMA MIC and MKL by example

II 264351

Amin, Muhammad

Operation, construction and functionality of direct current machines

III 253695

Yousef, Hassan A.

Power system load frequency control : classical and adaptive fuzzy approaches

II 264420

Zhang, Yunong

Robot manipulator redundancy resolution

II 264342

Dresselhaus, Mildred S.

Solid state properties : from bulk to nano

II 264376

Klominský, Josef

The Krkonoše-Jizera Composite Massif : never ending granite stories

II 264430

Collins, Karen (ed.)

The Oxford handbook of interactive audio

II 264369

Chau, Kam-tim

Theory of differential equations in engineering and mechanics

II 264448

Glezer, Aleksandr Markovič

Thermal and time stability of amorphous alloys

II 264387

Sahn, Jie (ed.)

Topographic laser ranging and scanning : principles and processing

III 253700

Hutchings, Ian M.

Tribology : friction and wear of engineering materials

II 264532

Weng, Oihao (ed.)

Urban remote sensing

II 264383

Al-Turjman, Fadi

Wireless sensor networks : deployment strategies for outdoor monitoring

II 264371