AGH University Main Library

An exhibition of foreign books 4-21.05.2018

The list of new foreign books presented from 04.05.2018  to 21.05.2018

in The Main Library Reference Department (1st floor, room 121).





Tanuma, Tadashi (red.)

Advances in steam turbines for modern power plants

II 263747

Bizon, Katarzyna

Analiza nieliniowa dynamiki autotermicznych struktur fluidyzacyjnych

II 263773

Sparling, D. W.

Basics on ecotoxicology

II 263794

Takezoe, Hideo

Bent-shaped liquid crystals : structures and physical properties

II 263776

Lauzin, Xavier

Civil engineering structures according to the eurocodes : inspection and maintenance

II 263792

Mishra, Munmaya (red.)

Concise encyclopedia of biomedical polymers and polymeric biomaterials. Vol. 1, Adhesives - medical devices and preparative medicine

III 253613

Mishra, Munmaya (red.)

Concise encyclopedia of biomedical polymers and polymeric biomaterials. Vol. 2, Melt extrusion - Zwitterionic polymeric materials

III 253613

Naresh Bharagava, Ram (red.)

Environmental pollutants and their bioremediation approaches

II 263790

Cheremisinoff, Nicolas P. (red.)

Groundwater remediation : a practical guide for environmental engineers and scientists

II 263741

Piprek, Joachim (red.)

Handbook of optoelectronic device modeling and simulation. Vol. 1, Fundamentals, materials, nanostructures, LEDs, and amplifiers

III 253609

Piprek, Joachim (red.)

Handbook of optoelectronic device modeling and simulation. Vol. 2, Lasers, modulators, photodetectors, solar cells, and numerical methods

III 253609

Eriksen, Verno L. (red.)

Heat recovery steam generator technology

II 263775

Pochampally, Kishore K.

Reliability analysis with Minitab®

II 263777

Koroński, Jan (red.)

Selected problems for differential equations

II 263779

Ayers, John C.

Sustainability : an environmental science perspective

III 253612

Dhir, Ravindra K.

Sustainable construction materials : municipal incinerated bottom ash

II 263746

Lechowska, Agnieszka Anna

Transient thermal models of building components

II 263772

Zhou, Hao (red.)

Ultra-high voltage AC/DC power transmission. Vol. 1

II 263791

Zhou, Hao (red.)

Ultra-high voltage AC/DC power transmission. Vol. 2

II 263791

French, Anthony Philip

Vibrations and waves

II 263789

Rim, Chun T.

Wireless power transfer for electric vehicles and mobile devices

III 253611