Around citations
The Main Library prepares bibliometric analyzes for researchers on an ongoing basis based on available e-sources (Web of Science, Scopus) such as publication citation, Hirsch index, journal Impact Factor , required, among others, in the procedure for granting an academic degree.
Citations of publications
Citations of publications can be found the following databases:
• Web of Science
• SCOPUS – a citation index published by Elsevier
Information on citations can also be found in:
- Publish or Perish (the software can be downloaded from
- Google Scholar Citations
- Baztech (a database registering Polish scientific and technical literature)
h-index refers to the number of research publications (h), which were cited h times or more, i.e. h index = 10 means that among the author's publications there are 10 publications which were cited at least 10 times each.
h index can be found in:
• Web of Science
• „Publish or Perish” (the software can be downloaded from
• Google Scholar Citations
IMPACT FACTOR values 1997-2019