An exhibition of foreign books 02-16.02.2015
The list of new foreign books presented from 02.02.2015 to 16.02.2015
in The Main Library Reference Department (1st floor, room 121).
Desai, Chandrakant S. |
Advanced geotechnical engineering : soil-structure interaction using computer and material models |
II 258381 |
Tiwari, Ashutosh (red.) |
Biosensors nanotechnology |
II 258365 |
Razowska-Jaworek, Lidia (red.) |
Calcium and magnesium in groundwater : occurrence and significance for human health |
III 253085 |
Karlen, Diuglas L. (red.) |
Cellulosic energy cropping systems |
II 258329 |
Tiwari, Atul (red.) |
Concise encyclopedia of high performance silicones |
III 253068 |
Ghez, Richard |
Diffusion phenomena : cases and studies |
II 258375 |
Kagan, Yan Y. |
Earthquakes : models, statistics, testable forecasts |
II 258342 |
Luckarift, Heather R. (red.) |
Enzymatic fuel cells : from fundamentals to applications |
II 258361 |
Takami, Tsuyoshi |
Functional cobalt oxides : fundamentals, properties, and applications |
II 258449 |
Lee, Sunggyu (red.) |
Handbook of alternative fuel technologies |
II 258362 |
Sherif, S. A, (red.) |
Handbook of hydrogen energy |
III 253080 |
Matinlinna, Jukka P. (red.) |
Handbook of oral biomaterials |
II 258448 |
Ginoux, Jean-Marc |
Henri Poincaré : a bibliography through the daily papers |
II 258482 |
Tzafestas, Spyros G. |
Introduction to mobile robot control |
II 258447 |
Olinick, Michael |
Mathematical modeling in the social and life sciences |
II 258491 |
Dodelson, Scott |
Modern cosmology |
II 258366 |
Kostera, Monika |
Occupy management! : inspirations and ideas for self-organization and self-management |
II 258367 |
Ong, Kevin L. |
Orthopaedic biomaterials in research and practice |
III 253079 |
Sharkh, Suleiman M. |
Power electronic converters for microgrids |
II 258343 |
Rowe, W. B. |
Principles of modern grinding technology |
II 258446 |
Bondarenko, Volodymyr (red.) |
Progressive technologies of coal, coalbed methane, and ores mining |
III 253086 |
Fouad, Nabil A. |
Raumakustik und Schallschutz |
II 258354 |
Cheng, Y. M. |
Slope stability analysis and stabilization : new methods and insight |
II 258360 |
Singh, D. K. |
Strength of materials / D. K. Singh. |
II 258347 |
Mittemeijer, Eric J. (red.) |
Thermochemical surface engineering of steels |
II 258488 |