AGH University Main Library

An exhibition of foreign books 02-16.02.2015

The list of new foreign books presented from 02.02.2015 to 16.02.2015

in The Main Library Reference Department (1st floor, room 121).





Desai, Chandrakant S.

Advanced geotechnical engineering : soil-structure interaction using computer and material models

II 258381

Tiwari, Ashutosh (red.)

Biosensors nanotechnology

II 258365

Razowska-Jaworek, Lidia (red.)

Calcium and magnesium in groundwater : occurrence and significance for human health

III 253085

Karlen, Diuglas L. (red.)

Cellulosic energy cropping systems

II 258329

Tiwari, Atul (red.)

Concise encyclopedia of high performance silicones

III 253068

Ghez, Richard

Diffusion phenomena : cases and studies

II 258375

Kagan, Yan Y.

Earthquakes : models, statistics, testable forecasts

II 258342

Luckarift, Heather R. (red.)

Enzymatic fuel cells : from fundamentals to applications

II 258361

Takami, Tsuyoshi

Functional cobalt oxides : fundamentals, properties, and applications

II 258449

Lee, Sunggyu (red.)

Handbook of alternative fuel technologies

II 258362

Sherif, S. A, (red.)

Handbook of hydrogen energy

III 253080

Matinlinna, Jukka P. (red.)

Handbook of oral biomaterials

II 258448

Ginoux, Jean-Marc

Henri Poincaré : a bibliography through the daily papers

II 258482

Tzafestas, Spyros G.

Introduction to mobile robot control

II 258447

Olinick, Michael

Mathematical modeling in the social and life sciences

II 258491

Dodelson, Scott

Modern cosmology

II 258366

Kostera, Monika

Occupy management! : inspirations and ideas for self-organization and self-management

II 258367

Ong, Kevin L.

Orthopaedic biomaterials in research and practice

III 253079

Sharkh, Suleiman M.

Power electronic converters for microgrids

II 258343

Rowe, W. B.

Principles of modern grinding technology

II 258446

Bondarenko, Volodymyr (red.)

Progressive technologies of coal, coalbed methane, and ores mining

III 253086

Fouad, Nabil A.

Raumakustik und Schallschutz

II 258354

Cheng, Y. M.

Slope stability analysis and stabilization : new methods and insight

II 258360

Singh, D. K.

Strength of materials / D. K. Singh.

II 258347

Mittemeijer, Eric J. (red.)

Thermochemical surface engineering of steels

II 258488