Biblioteka Główna Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie

Wystawa nowości zagranicznych 02-16.03.2015

Wykaz nowych książek zagranicznych prezentowanych

w okresie od 02.03.2015 do 16.03.2015

w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej Biblioteki Głównej AGH (I piętro, p. 121)





Ghosh, Ahindra

A textbook of metallurgical kinetics

II 258568

Ruckmongathan, Temkar N.

Addressing techniques of liquid crystal displays

II 258756

Rincón-Mora, Gabriel Alfonso

Analog IC design with low-dropout regulators

II 258624

Boulton, Andrew J.

Australian freshwater ecology : processes and management

III 253096

Ma., Peter X. (red.)

Biomaterials and regenerative medicine

III 253098

Vo-Dinh, Tuan (red.)

Biomedical photonics handbook. Vol. 1, Fundamentals, devices, and techniques

III 253105

Vo-Dinh, Tuan (red.)

Biomedical photonics handbook. Vol. 2, Biomedical diagnostics

III 253105

Vo-Dinh, Tuan (red.)

Biomedical photonics handbook. Vol. 3, Therapeutics and advanced biophotonics

III 253105

Cader, Andrzej (red.)

Computer methods in practice

II 258593

Pan, C. T.

Design and fabrication of self-powered micro-harvesters : rotating and vibrating micro-power systems

II 258757

Hall, Ben

Designing the four rod crab cavity for the High - Luminosity LHC upgrade

II 258536

Kozieł, Michał

Development of radiation hardened pixel sensors for charged particle detection = Développment de capteurs à pixels résistants aux rayonnements intenses pour la détection de particules chargées

II 258535

Karimi-Ghartemani, Masoud

Enhanced phase-locked loop structures for power and energy applications

II 258735

Burczyński, T. (red.)

Evolutionary and deterministic methods for design, optimization and control with applications to industrial and societal problems

II 258146

Niepokólczycki, Antoni (red.)

Fatigue of Aircraft Structures. Monographic Series

II 249086


GeoConference on Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation : 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2014, 17-26, June, 2014, Albena, Bulgaria : conference proceedings. Vol. 2, Ecology and environmental protection.

II 258509

Zhang, L. M. (red.)

Geotechnical Safety and Risk IV : proceedings of The Fourth International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk - 4th ISGSR, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2013

III 253099

Oksman, Kristiina (red.)

Handbook of green materials. 1, Bionanomaterials: separation processes, characterization and properties

III 253100

Oksman, Kristiina (red.)

Handbook of green materials. 2, Bionanocomposites: processing, characterization and properites

III 253100

Oksman, Kristiina (red.)

Handbook of green materials. 3, Self- and direct-assembling of bionanomaterials

III 253100

Oksman, Kristiina (red.)

Handbook of green materials. 4, Biobased composite materials, their processing properties and industrial applications

III 253100

Ni, Zhenjinag

Haptic feedback teleoperation of optical tweezers

II 258708

Woźniak, Michał

Hybrid classifiers : methods of data, knowledge, and classifier combination

II 258700

Hiscock, Kevin M.

Hydrogeology : principles and practice

III 253097

Katz, Evgeny (red.)

Implantable bioelectronics : [devices, materials, and applications]

II 258759

Tiwari, Atul (red.)

Inelligent coatings for corrosion control

II 258598


Luminescence of lanthanide ions in coordination compounds and nanomaterials / ed. by Ana de Bettencourt-Dias.

II 258755

Lee, Hae-Geon

Materials thermodynamics : with emphasis on chemical approach

II 258760

Micari, Fabrizio (red.)

Metal Forming 2014. Pt. 1, Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 15th International Conference on Metal Forming 2014, September 21-24, 2014, Palermo, Italy

II 258270

Micari, Fabrizio (red.)

Metal forming 2014. Pt. 2, Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 15th International Conference on Metal Forming 2014, September 21-24, 2014, Palermo, Italy

II 258270

Kozłowski, Krzysztof (red.)

Mobile service robotics

II 258565

Szumlak, Tomasz

Performance of the LHCb Vertex Locator and the measurement of the forward-backward symmetry in Bºd→K*º(896)μ+μ- decay channel as a probe of New Physics

II 258662

Richardson, Duncan C.

Plant equipment and maintenance engineering handbook

II 258622

Sozen, Mete Avni

Principles of reinforced concrete disign

II 258704

Wittke, Walter

Rock mechanics based on an anisotropic jointed rock model (AJRM)

II 258744

Lecce, Leonardo (red.)

Shape memory alloy engineering : for aerospace, structural and biomedical applications

II 258701

Guochao, Qian

The environment and landscape in motorway design

II 258754

Borucki, Sebastian

Use of modified vibroacoustic method for diagnostics of power transformer cores

II 258614