Biblioteka Główna Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie

Wystawa nowości zagranicznych 02-17.01.2015

Wykaz nowych książek zagranicznych prezentowanych

w okresie od 02.01.2015 do 17.01.2015

w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej Biblioteki Głównej AGH (I piętro, p. 121).





Tiwari, Ashutosh (ed.)

Advanced biomaterials and biodevices

II 258391


ASM handbook

III 253069

Abbadi, Imad M.

Cloud management and security

II 258330

Tebbani, Sihem

CO2 biofixation by microalgae : modeling, estimation and control

II 258249

Shibli, Ahmed (ed.)

Coal power plant materials and life assessment : developments and applications

II 258303

Bartelmus, Walter

Condition monitoring of open cast mining machinery

II 258271

Bahadori, Alireza

Corrosion and materials selection : a guide for the chemical and petroleum industries

III 253094

Matthews, Stuart

Design of durable concrete structures

III 253088

Faroughi, Nikrouz

Digital logic design and computer organization : with computer architecture for security

II 258383

Proakis, John G.

Digital signal processing

III 253073

Shepherd, W.

Energy studies

III 253084

Mines, Richard O.

Environmental engineering : principles and practice

III 253054

Mathaudhu, Suveen (ed.)

Essential readings in magnesium technology

III 253071

Revankar, Shripad T.

Fuel cells : principles design and analysis

II 258385

Villaescusa, Ernesto

Geotechnical design for sublevel open stoping

II 258371

Baba, Alper (ed.)

Geothermal systems and energy resources : Turkey and Greece

III 253051

Metcalfe, Mike

How concepts solve management problems

II 258370

Benz, Klaus-Werner

Introduction to crystal growth and characterization

II 258376

Persico, Raffaele

Introduction to ground penetrating radar : inverse scattering and data processing

II 258291

Nof, Shimon Y.

Laser and photonic systems : design and integration

II 258384

Granfield, John (ed.)

Light metals 2014 : proceedings of the symposia sponsored by the TMS Aluminum Committee at the TMS 2014 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 16-20, 2014, San Diego, California, USA

III 253072

Hult, G. Tomas M.


III 253074

Farag, Mahmoud M.

Materials and process selection for engineering design

II 258493

Mazalov, Vladimir Viktorovič

Mathematical game theory and applications

III 253092

Dale, Peter

Mathematical techniques in GIS

II 258392

Webster, John G. (ed.)

Measurement, instrumentation and sensors handbook : spatial, mechanical, thermal and radiation measurement

III 253077

Razavi, Behzad


III 253087

Khan, Ahmad Shahid

Microwave engineering : concepts and fundamentals

II 258372

Kelly, Alonzo

Mobile robotics : mathematics, models, and methods

III 253081

Klemelä, Jussi

Multivariate nonparametric regression and visualization : with R and applications to finance

II 258373

Tatjewski, Piotr

Numerical methods

II 258458

Barańska, Małgorzata (ed.)

Optical spectroscopy and computational methods in biology and medicine

II 258393

Nakajima, Hideo

Porous metals with directional pores

II 258388

Abu-Rub, Haitham (ed.)

Power electronics for renewable energy systems, transportation and industrial applications

III 253093

Wohl, Ellen E.

Rivers in the landscape : science and management

III 253089

Hicks, Tyler G. (ed.)

Standard handbook of engineering calculations

II 258387

Ivezić, Željko

Statistics, data mining, and machine learning in astronomy : a practical Python guide for the analysis of survey data

III 253082

Toral, Raúl

Stochastic numerical methods : an introduction for students and scientists

II 258377

Anikeev, Vladimir (ed.)

Supercritical fluid technology for energy and environmental applications

III 253070

Wang, Lijun (ed.)

Sustainable bioenergy production / ed. by Lijun Wang.

III 253083

Smeets, René

Switching in electrical transmission and distribution systems

III 253090

Neck, Heidi M.

Teaching entrepreneurship : a practice-based approach

II 258490

Manevič, Leonid Isakovič

Tractable models of solid mechanics : formulation, analysis and interpretation

II 258369

Hornung, Andreas (ed.)

Transformation of biomass : theory to practice

III 253095

Schaffarczyk, Alois (ed.)

Understanding wind power technology : theory, deployment and optimisation

III 253091

Booth, Colin A. (ed.)

Water resources in the built environment : management issues and solutions

II 258351

Alexandridis, Antonios K.

Wavelet neural networks : with applications in financial engineering, chaos and classification

II 258374