Wystawa nowości zagranicznych 02-17.01.2015
Wykaz nowych książek zagranicznych prezentowanych
w okresie od 02.01.2015 do 17.01.2015
w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej Biblioteki Głównej AGH (I piętro, p. 121).
Tiwari, Ashutosh (ed.) |
Advanced biomaterials and biodevices |
II 258391 |
ASM handbook |
III 253069 |
Abbadi, Imad M. |
Cloud management and security |
II 258330 |
Tebbani, Sihem |
CO2 biofixation by microalgae : modeling, estimation and control |
II 258249 |
Shibli, Ahmed (ed.) |
Coal power plant materials and life assessment : developments and applications |
II 258303 |
Bartelmus, Walter |
Condition monitoring of open cast mining machinery |
II 258271 |
Bahadori, Alireza |
Corrosion and materials selection : a guide for the chemical and petroleum industries |
III 253094 |
Matthews, Stuart |
Design of durable concrete structures |
III 253088 |
Faroughi, Nikrouz |
Digital logic design and computer organization : with computer architecture for security |
II 258383 |
Proakis, John G. |
Digital signal processing |
III 253073 |
Shepherd, W. |
Energy studies |
III 253084 |
Mines, Richard O. |
Environmental engineering : principles and practice |
III 253054 |
Mathaudhu, Suveen (ed.) |
Essential readings in magnesium technology |
III 253071 |
Revankar, Shripad T. |
Fuel cells : principles design and analysis |
II 258385 |
Villaescusa, Ernesto |
Geotechnical design for sublevel open stoping |
II 258371 |
Baba, Alper (ed.) |
Geothermal systems and energy resources : Turkey and Greece |
III 253051 |
Metcalfe, Mike |
How concepts solve management problems |
II 258370 |
Benz, Klaus-Werner |
Introduction to crystal growth and characterization |
II 258376 |
Persico, Raffaele |
Introduction to ground penetrating radar : inverse scattering and data processing |
II 258291 |
Nof, Shimon Y. |
Laser and photonic systems : design and integration |
II 258384 |
Granfield, John (ed.) |
Light metals 2014 : proceedings of the symposia sponsored by the TMS Aluminum Committee at the TMS 2014 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 16-20, 2014, San Diego, California, USA |
III 253072 |
Hult, G. Tomas M. |
Marketing |
III 253074 |
Farag, Mahmoud M. |
Materials and process selection for engineering design |
II 258493 |
Mazalov, Vladimir Viktorovič |
Mathematical game theory and applications |
III 253092 |
Dale, Peter |
Mathematical techniques in GIS |
II 258392 |
Webster, John G. (ed.) |
Measurement, instrumentation and sensors handbook : spatial, mechanical, thermal and radiation measurement |
III 253077 |
Razavi, Behzad |
Microelectronics |
III 253087 |
Khan, Ahmad Shahid |
Microwave engineering : concepts and fundamentals |
II 258372 |
Kelly, Alonzo |
Mobile robotics : mathematics, models, and methods |
III 253081 |
Klemelä, Jussi |
Multivariate nonparametric regression and visualization : with R and applications to finance |
II 258373 |
Tatjewski, Piotr |
Numerical methods |
II 258458 |
Barańska, Małgorzata (ed.) |
Optical spectroscopy and computational methods in biology and medicine |
II 258393 |
Nakajima, Hideo |
Porous metals with directional pores |
II 258388 |
Abu-Rub, Haitham (ed.) |
Power electronics for renewable energy systems, transportation and industrial applications |
III 253093 |
Wohl, Ellen E. |
Rivers in the landscape : science and management |
III 253089 |
Hicks, Tyler G. (ed.) |
Standard handbook of engineering calculations |
II 258387 |
Ivezić, Željko |
Statistics, data mining, and machine learning in astronomy : a practical Python guide for the analysis of survey data |
III 253082 |
Toral, Raúl |
Stochastic numerical methods : an introduction for students and scientists |
II 258377 |
Anikeev, Vladimir (ed.) |
Supercritical fluid technology for energy and environmental applications |
III 253070 |
Wang, Lijun (ed.) |
Sustainable bioenergy production / ed. by Lijun Wang. |
III 253083 |
Smeets, René |
Switching in electrical transmission and distribution systems |
III 253090 |
Neck, Heidi M. |
Teaching entrepreneurship : a practice-based approach |
II 258490 |
Manevič, Leonid Isakovič |
Tractable models of solid mechanics : formulation, analysis and interpretation |
II 258369 |
Hornung, Andreas (ed.) |
Transformation of biomass : theory to practice |
III 253095 |
Schaffarczyk, Alois (ed.) |
Understanding wind power technology : theory, deployment and optimisation |
III 253091 |
Booth, Colin A. (ed.) |
Water resources in the built environment : management issues and solutions |
II 258351 |
Alexandridis, Antonios K. |
Wavelet neural networks : with applications in financial engineering, chaos and classification |
II 258374 |