Wystawa nowości zagranicznych 1-10.07.2014
Wykaz nowych książek zagranicznych prezentowanych
w okresie od 1.07.2014 do 10.07.2014
w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej Biblioteki Głównej AGH (I piętro, p. 121)
Cetnar, Jerzy | Advanced fuel burnup assessments in prismatic HTR for Pu/MA/Th utilization using MCB system | III 252953 |
Hu, Jinlian | Advances in shape memory polymers | II 257671 |
Williams, Arthur Bernard | Analog filter and circuit design handbook | II 257754 |
Roberts, Benjamin W. (red.) | Archaeometallurgy in global perspective : methods and syntheses | II 257550 |
Wypych, George | Atlas of material damage | II 257746 |
Yan, Yu (red.) | Bio-tribocorrosion in biomaterials and medical implants | II 257552 |
Moriarty, Fintan T. (red.) | Biomaterials associated infection : immunological aspects and antimicrobial strategies | II 257551 |
Gogotsi, Yury (red.) | Carbon nanomaterials | III 252980 |
Carter, C. Barry. | Ceramic materials : science and engineering / C. Barry Carter, M. Grant Norton. | III 252986 |
Simpson, Ricardo. | Chemical and bioprocess engineering : fundamental concepts for first-year students | III 252967 |
Liang, Jinyou | Chemical modeling for air resources : fundamentals, applications, and corroborative analysis | II 257556 |
Battin-Leclerc, F. (red.) | Cleaner combustion : developing detailed chemical kinetic models | II 257751 |
Kok, Chi-Wah | CMOS voltage references : an analytical and practical perspective | III 252969 |
Podgoršak, Ervin B. | Compendium to radiation physics for medical physicists : 300 problems and solutions | II 257734 |
Ovrutsky, A.\,M. | Computational materials science : surfaces, interfaces, crystallization | II 257637 |
Roy, Samit | Computational modeling of polymer composites : a study of creep and environmental effects | III 252976 |
Odgers, David (red.) | Concrete | II 257789 |
Mehta, P. Kumar. | Concrete : microstructure, properties, and materials | II 257753 |
Zhang, Li-Zhi | Conjugate heat and mass transfer in heat mass exchanger ducts | II 257731 |
Uddin, Nasim (red.) | Devalopments in fiber-reinforced polymer (RFP) composites for civil engineering | II 257729 |
Arioui, Hichem | Driving simulation | II 257690 |
Skinner, Brian J. | Dynamic earth | III 252984 |
Otegui, Jose Luis | Failure analysis : fundamentals and applications in mechanical components | II 257750 |
Valentino, Gianluca | Fast automatic beam-based alignment of the LHC collimator jaws | II 257602 |
Bathias, Claude | Fatigue limit in metals | II 257670 |
Barbero, Ever J. | Finite element analysis of composite materials using Abaqus / Ever J. Barbero. | III 252978 |
Dixon, Sydney Lawrence | Fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of turbomachinery | II 257727 |
Wei, Robert Peh-ying | Fracture mechanics : integration of mechanics, materials science, and chemistry | III 252974 |
Budinski, Kenneth G. | Friction, wear, and erosion atlas | III 252975 |
Behling, Noriko Hikosaka | Fuel cells : current technology challenges and future research needs | II 257743 |
Giampaolo, Tony | Gas turbine handbook : principles and practice | II 257659 |
Aminzadeh, Fred | Geophysics for petroleum engineers | II 257649 |
Stober, Ingrid | Geothermal energy : from theoretical models to exploration and development | II 257713 |
Attwell, Grahan | Grab your future with an e-portfolio : study on new qualifications and skills needed by teachers and career counsellors to empower young students with the e-portfolio concepts and tools : summary report | III 252957 |
Jiang, De-en (red.) | Graphene chemistry : theoretical perspectives | III 252971 |
Tamassia, Roberto (red.) | Handbook of graph drawing and visualization | III 252981 |
L'Annuziata, Michael F. | Handbook of radioactivity analysis | III 252985 |
Lopushansky, Oleh | Infinite dimensional holomorphy : spectra and hilbertian structures | II 257707 |
Saad I. (red.) | Information systems for knowledge management | II 257702 |
Hsu, Thomas T. C. | Infrastructure systems for nuclear energy | III 252970 |
Fu, Yue | Integrated power devices and TCAD simulation | III 252977 |
Levitin, Valim | Interatomic bonding in solids : fundamentals, simulation, and applications | II 257766 |
Agrawal, Mauli C. | Introduction to biomaterials : basic theory with engineering applications | III 252973 |
Nishida, Yoshinori | Introduction to metal matrix composites : fabrication and recycling | II 257745 |
Harry, John Ernest | Introduction to plasma technology : science, engineering and applications | II 257765 |
Bodó, Béla | Introduction to soil mechanics / BĂ©la BodĂł and Colin Jones. | II 257535 |
Ganeev, Rashid A. | Laser-surface interactions | II 257726 |
Pistoia, Gianfranco | Lithium-ion batteries : advances and applications | II 257732 |
Bruce, Duncan W. | Local structural characterisation | II 257624 |
Jiang, San Ping (red.) | Materials for high-temperature fuel cells | II 257764 |
McParland, Brian James | Medical radiation dosimetry : theory of charged particle collision energy loss | II 257724 |
Chawla, Nikhilesh | Metal matrix composites | II 257748 |
Kwiatkowski, Maciej | Methods for the application of programmable logic devices in electronic protection systems for high energy particle accelerators | II 257590 |
Mittal, Vikas (red.) | Modeling and prediction of polymer nanocomposite properties | II 257767 |
Vollath, Dieter | Nanoparticles-nanocomposites-nanomaterials : an introduction for beginners | II 257719 |
Kurinec, Santosh K. (red.) | Nanoscale semiconductor memories : technology and applications | II 257725 |
Knowles, James Brian | Nuclear electric power : safety, operation, and control aspects | II 257744 |
Tsoulfanidis, Nicholas (red.) | Nuclear energy : selected entries from the Encyclopedia of sustainability science and technology | II 257715 |
Teodorescu, Petre P. | Numerical analysis with applications in mechanics and engineering / Petre Teodorescu, Nicolae-Doru StÄnescu, Nicolae Pandera. | III 252982 |
Borne, Pierre | Optimization in engineering sciences : exact methods | II 257652 |
Enoki, Toshiaki | Physics and chemistry of graphene : graphene to nanographene | II 257658 |
Rangacharyulu, Chary | Physics of nuclear radiations : concepts, techniques and applications | II 257711 |
Duarte, Frank J. | Quantum optics for engineers | II 257714 |
Kelsey, Charles A. | Radiation biology of medical imaging | III 252979 |
Choppin, Gregory R. | Radiochemistry and nuclear chemistry | II 257747 |
Slatt, Roger M. | Stratigraphic reservoir characterization for petroleum geologists, geophysicists and engineers : origin, recognition, initiation, and reservoir quality | II 257660 |
Wandelt, Klaus (red.) | Surface and interface science. Vol. 3, Properties of composite surfaces: alloys, compounds, semiconductors | II 251106 |
Wandelt, Klaus (red.) | Surface and interface science. Vol. 4, Solid-solid interfaces and thin films | II 251106 |
Birdi, K. S. | Surface chemistry essentials | II 257755 |
Pollak, Michael | The electron glass | III 252972 |
Rudin, Alfred | The elements of polymer science and engineering | II 257749 |
Baukal, Charles (red.) | The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion handbook. Vol. 1, Fundamentals | III 252987 |
Baukal, Charles (red.) | The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion handbook. Vol. 2, Design and operations | III 252987 |
Baukal, Charles (red.) | The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion handbook. Vol. 3, Applications | III 252987 |
Bhanage, Bhalchandra M. (red.) | Transformation and utilization of carbon dioxide | II 257546 |
Menezes, Pradeep L. (red.) | Tribology for scientists and engineers : from basics to advanced concepts | II 257752 |
Borghi, Roland | Turbulent multiphase flows with heat and mass transfer | II 257728 |