Biblioteka Główna Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie

Wystawa nowości zagranicznych 1-10.07.2014

Wykaz nowych książek zagranicznych prezentowanych

w okresie od 1.07.2014 do 10.07.2014

w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej Biblioteki Głównej AGH (I piętro, p. 121)


Cetnar, Jerzy Advanced fuel burnup assessments in prismatic HTR for Pu/MA/Th utilization using MCB system III 252953
Hu, Jinlian Advances in shape memory polymers II 257671
Williams, Arthur Bernard Analog filter and circuit design handbook II 257754
Roberts, Benjamin W. (red.) Archaeometallurgy in global perspective : methods and syntheses II 257550
Wypych, George Atlas of material damage II 257746
Yan, Yu (red.) Bio-tribocorrosion in biomaterials and medical implants II 257552
Moriarty, Fintan T. (red.) Biomaterials associated infection : immunological aspects and antimicrobial strategies II 257551
Gogotsi, Yury (red.) Carbon nanomaterials III 252980
Carter, C. Barry. Ceramic materials : science and engineering / C. Barry Carter, M. Grant Norton. III 252986
Simpson, Ricardo. Chemical and bioprocess engineering : fundamental concepts for first-year students III 252967
Liang, Jinyou Chemical modeling for air resources : fundamentals, applications, and corroborative analysis II 257556
Battin-Leclerc, F. (red.) Cleaner combustion : developing detailed chemical kinetic models II 257751
Kok, Chi-Wah CMOS voltage references : an analytical and practical perspective III 252969
Podgoršak, Ervin B. Compendium to radiation physics for medical physicists : 300 problems and solutions II 257734
Ovrutsky, A.\,M. Computational materials science : surfaces, interfaces, crystallization II 257637
Roy, Samit Computational modeling of polymer composites : a study of creep and environmental effects III 252976
Odgers, David (red.) Concrete II 257789
Mehta, P. Kumar. Concrete : microstructure, properties, and materials II 257753
Zhang, Li-Zhi Conjugate heat and mass transfer in heat mass exchanger ducts II 257731
Uddin, Nasim (red.) Devalopments in fiber-reinforced polymer (RFP) composites for civil engineering II 257729
Arioui, Hichem Driving simulation II 257690
Skinner, Brian J. Dynamic earth III 252984
Otegui, Jose Luis Failure analysis : fundamentals and applications in mechanical components II 257750
Valentino, Gianluca Fast automatic beam-based alignment of the LHC collimator jaws II 257602
Bathias, Claude Fatigue limit in metals II 257670
Barbero, Ever J. Finite element analysis of composite materials using Abaqus / Ever J. Barbero. III 252978
Dixon, Sydney Lawrence Fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of turbomachinery II 257727
Wei, Robert Peh-ying Fracture mechanics : integration of mechanics, materials science, and chemistry III 252974
Budinski, Kenneth G. Friction, wear, and erosion atlas III 252975
Behling, Noriko Hikosaka Fuel cells : current technology challenges and future research needs II 257743
Giampaolo, Tony Gas turbine handbook : principles and practice II 257659
Aminzadeh, Fred Geophysics for petroleum engineers II 257649
Stober, Ingrid Geothermal energy : from theoretical models to exploration and development II 257713
Attwell, Grahan Grab your future with an e-portfolio : study on new qualifications and skills needed by teachers and career counsellors to empower young students with the e-portfolio concepts and tools : summary report III 252957
Jiang, De-en (red.) Graphene chemistry : theoretical perspectives III 252971
Tamassia, Roberto (red.) Handbook of graph drawing and visualization III 252981
L'Annuziata, Michael F. Handbook of radioactivity analysis III 252985
Lopushansky, Oleh Infinite dimensional holomorphy : spectra and hilbertian structures II 257707
Saad I. (red.) Information systems for knowledge management II 257702
Hsu, Thomas T. C. Infrastructure systems for nuclear energy III 252970
Fu, Yue Integrated power devices and TCAD simulation III 252977
Levitin, Valim Interatomic bonding in solids : fundamentals, simulation, and applications II 257766
Agrawal, Mauli C. Introduction to biomaterials : basic theory with engineering applications III 252973
Nishida, Yoshinori Introduction to metal matrix composites : fabrication and recycling II 257745
Harry, John Ernest Introduction to plasma technology : science, engineering and applications II 257765
Bodó, Béla Introduction to soil mechanics / BĂ©la BodĂł and Colin Jones. II 257535
Ganeev, Rashid A. Laser-surface interactions II 257726
Pistoia, Gianfranco Lithium-ion batteries : advances and applications II 257732
Bruce, Duncan W. Local structural characterisation II 257624
Jiang, San Ping (red.) Materials for high-temperature fuel cells II 257764
McParland, Brian James Medical radiation dosimetry : theory of charged particle collision energy loss II 257724
Chawla, Nikhilesh Metal matrix composites II 257748
Kwiatkowski, Maciej Methods for the application of programmable logic devices in electronic protection systems for high energy particle accelerators II 257590
Mittal, Vikas (red.) Modeling and prediction of polymer nanocomposite properties II 257767
Vollath, Dieter Nanoparticles-nanocomposites-nanomaterials : an introduction for beginners II 257719
Kurinec, Santosh K. (red.) Nanoscale semiconductor memories : technology and applications II 257725
Knowles, James Brian Nuclear electric power : safety, operation, and control aspects II 257744
Tsoulfanidis, Nicholas (red.) Nuclear energy : selected entries from the Encyclopedia of sustainability science and technology II 257715
Teodorescu, Petre P. Numerical analysis with applications in mechanics and engineering / Petre Teodorescu, Nicolae-Doru StÄnescu, Nicolae Pandera. III 252982
Borne, Pierre Optimization in engineering sciences : exact methods II 257652
Enoki, Toshiaki Physics and chemistry of graphene : graphene to nanographene II 257658
Rangacharyulu, Chary Physics of nuclear radiations : concepts, techniques and applications II 257711
Duarte, Frank J. Quantum optics for engineers II 257714
Kelsey, Charles A. Radiation biology of medical imaging III 252979
Choppin, Gregory R. Radiochemistry and nuclear chemistry II 257747
Slatt, Roger M. Stratigraphic reservoir characterization for petroleum geologists, geophysicists and engineers : origin, recognition, initiation, and reservoir quality II 257660
Wandelt, Klaus (red.) Surface and interface science. Vol. 3, Properties of composite surfaces: alloys, compounds, semiconductors II 251106
Wandelt, Klaus (red.) Surface and interface science. Vol. 4, Solid-solid interfaces and thin films II 251106
Birdi, K. S. Surface chemistry essentials II 257755
Pollak, Michael The electron glass III 252972
Rudin, Alfred The elements of polymer science and engineering II 257749
Baukal, Charles (red.) The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion handbook. Vol. 1, Fundamentals III 252987
Baukal, Charles (red.) The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion handbook. Vol. 2, Design and operations III 252987
Baukal, Charles (red.) The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion handbook. Vol. 3, Applications III 252987
Bhanage, Bhalchandra M. (red.) Transformation and utilization of carbon dioxide II 257546
Menezes, Pradeep L. (red.) Tribology for scientists and engineers : from basics to advanced concepts II 257752
Borghi, Roland Turbulent multiphase flows with heat and mass transfer II 257728