Biblioteka Główna Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie

Wystawa nowości zagranicznych 02-13.06.2014

Wykaz nowych książek zagranicznych prezentowanych

w okresie od 02.06.2014 do 13.06.2014

w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej Biblioteki Głównej AGH (I piętro, p. 121)





Harčenko, Nikolaj Vasil'evič

Advanced energy systems

II 257518

Gao, Fengge (ed.)

Advances in polymer nanocomposites : types and applications

II 257542

Mitkowski, Wojciech (ed.)

Advances in the theory and applications of non-integer order systems : 5th Conference on Non-integer Order Calculus and Its Applications, Cracow, Poland

II 256096

Caicedo, Bernard (ed.)

Advances in unsaturated soils : proceedings of The First Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 20-22 February 2013

III 252863

Christian, Gary D.

Analytical chemistry

III 252960

Rosendahl, Lasse (ed.)

Biomass combustion science, technology and engineering

II 257540

Ramalingam, Murugan (ed.)

Biomimetics : advancing nanobiomaterials and tissue engineering / ed. by Murugan Ramalingam [et al.].

II 257457

Jurczyk, Mieczysław (ed.)

Bionanomaterials for dental applications

II 257538

Chess, Paul M. (ed.)

Cathodic protection of steel in concrete and masonry

II 257539

Newman, William I.

Continuum mechanics in the Earth sciences

III 252968

Shi, Guangren

Data mining and knowledge discovery for geoscientists

II 257543

Eicker, Ursula

Energy efficient buildings with solar and geothermal resources

II 257534

Koretsky, Milo D.

Engineering and chemical thermodynamics

III 252965

Beard, James M.

Environmental chemistry in society

II 257554

Das, Braja M.

Fundamentals of geotechnical engineering

II 257555

Skákalová, Viera (ed.)

Graphene : properties, preparation, characterisation and devices / ed. by Viera Skákalová and Alan B. Kaiser.

II 257509

Fitts, Charles R.

Groundwater science

II 257541

Spellman, Frank R.

Handbook of water and wastewater treatment plant operations

II 252964

Njuguna, James (ed.)

Health and environmental safety of nanomaterials : polymer nanocomposites and other materials containing nanoparticles

II 257519

Asrari, Elham (ed.)

Heavy metal contamination of water and soil : analysis, assessment, and remediation strategies / ed. by Elham Asrari.

II 257441

Wilson, Karedn (ed.)

Heterogeneous catalysts for clean technology : spectroscopy, design, and monitoring

II 257533

Čukanov, Nikita Vladimirovič

Infrared spectra of mineral species : extended library. [Vol. 1]

III 252966

Čukanov, Nikita Vladimirovič

Infrared spectra of mineral species : extended library. [Vol.2]

III 252966

Clements-Croome, Derek J. (ed.)

Intelligent buildings : design, management and operation

II 257536

Greeley, Ronald

Introduction to planetary geomorphology

III 252963

Rybicki, Jarosław (ed.)

Joint conferences on advanced materials : The 10th Conference on Functional and Nanostructured Materials FNMA'13 : The 12th Conference on Intermolecular and Magnetic Interactions in Matter IMIM'13 : 8-12 September 2013, Poros Island, Greece : abstract book

II 256521

Farncombe, Troy (ed.)

Medical imaging : technology and applications

II 257517

Lin, Jianguo (ed.)

Microstructure evolution in metal forming processes / ed. by Jianguo Lin, Daniel Balint and Maciej Pietrzyk.

II 257516

Napieralski, Andrzej (ed.)

MIXDES 2013 : mixed design of integrated circuits and systems : bookof abstracts of the 20th International Conference, Gdynia, Poland, 20-22 June, 2013

III 252888

Shen, Baotang

Modelling rock fracturing processes : a fracture mechanics approach using FRACOD

II 257544

Egg, Jay

Modern geothermal HVAC : engineering and control applications

II 257537

Laloui, Lyesse (ed.)

Multiphysical testing of soils and shales

II 257547

Jiang, San Ping (ed.)

Nanostructured and advanced materials for fuel cells

II 257520

Torgal, Fernando Pacheco (ed.)

Nearly zero energy building refurbishment : a multidisciplinary approach

II 257548

Tascón, Juan M.\,D.

Novel carbon adsorbents

II 257553

Sen, Gautam

Petrology : principles and practice

III 252961

Ametani, Akihiro

Power system transients : theory and applications / Akihiro Ametani [et al.].

II 257456

Ilki, Alper (ed.)

Seismic evaluation and rehabilitation of structures

II 257545

Crainic, Liviu N.

Seismic performance concrete buildings

III 252936

Zhang, Chuhan (ed.)

Seismic safety evaluation of concrete dams : a nonlinear behavioral approach

II 257559

Chiu, Sung Nok

Stochastic geometry and its applications

II 257532