Biblioteka Główna Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie

Wystawa nowości zagranicznych 01-14.04.2014

Wykaz nowych książek zagranicznych prezentowanych

w okresie od 01.04.2014 do 14.04.2014

w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej Biblioteki Głównej AGH (I piętro, p. 121)





Chang, Shuenn-Yih (ed.)

Advances in civil engineering and building materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from 2012 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Building Materials (CEBM 2012), 17-18 November, Hong Kong

III 252935

Matyáš, Josef (ed.)

Advances in materials science for environmental and energy technologies II

II 256556

Prasad, N. Eswara

Aluminum-lithium alloys : processing, properties and applications

II 257152

Riedel, Ralf (ed.)

Ceramics science and technology. Vol. 4, Applications

II 239643

Prince, Simon J. D.

Computer vision : models, learning, and inference

III 252931

Dillmann, P. (ed.)

Corrosion and conservation of cultural heritage metallic artefacts

II 257171

Spiesz, Przemysław

Durability of concrete with emphasis on chloride migration

II 256617

Srivatsan, T. S. (ed.)

Fatigue of materials : advances and emergences in understanding : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Mechanical Behavior Committee of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) and ASM International held during Materials Science & Technology 2010 (MS&T’10), October 17-21, 2010 in Houston, Texas, USA : MS&T'10®

II 256636

Pekguleryuz, Mihriban O. (ed.)

Fundamentals of magnesium alloy metallurgy

II 257170

Gasik, Michael (ed.)

Handbook of ferroalloys : theory and technology

II 257254

Chen, Wai-Fah (ed.)

Handbook of international bridge engineering

III 252933

Li, Shaofan (ed.)

Handbook of micromechanics and nanomechnics

II 256916

Free, Michael L.

Hydrometallurgy : fundamentals and applications

II 257075

Mullinger, Peter

Industrial and process furnaces : principles, design and operation

II 257253

Glaize, Christian

Lithium batteries and other electrochemical storage systems

II 257172

Êmec', Volodimir Fedorovič

Mathematical-numerical modelling of ultrasonic scattering data from a closed obstacles and inverse analysis

II 256939

Sinha, Sujeet K. (ed.)

Nano-tribology and materials in MEMS

II 257055

Wang, Qiuliang

Practical design of magnetostatic structure using numerical simulation

II 257090

Zhao, Jian (ed.)

Rock dynamics and applications - state of the art : proceedings of the First International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications (RocDyn-1), Lausanne, Switzerland, 6-8 June 2013

III 252854

Lebet, Jean-Paul

Steel bridges : conceptual and design of steel and steel-concrete composite bridges

II 257088